In Eastern philosophy winter is the Yin time of year, when our energies draw inwards. The animal kingdom hibernates and plants and seeds withdraw into stillness to replenish and regenerate their potential during the winter months, preparing for the growth and activity that arises naturally in Spring. This is a time of opportunity for deep healing and spiritual growth. In
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Stress … and how it affects us
When we encounter stress, be it an injury, a single event or over a period of time, the body responds by creating compression at some level. Often the compression first affects the vibrational or energetic layers, and then begins to constrict tissues, organs, glands, and bones in the physical body. Over time these stress patterns accumulate in the fascia or connective
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Healing is an Awakening
Our life is a journey of self –discovery. Most of us at some time have felt the yearning to connect to a path in life that is in tune with our true nature, reclaiming our innate talents and abilities.This is a path of spiritual alchemy where we refine ourselves and our experience as we journey to our sacred and intrinsic
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How to adjust your own Atlas vertebra
This is a gentle but very effective technique for neck pain and restricted neck mobility from a misaligned atlas vertebra. It’s also helpful if you’re feeling overwhelmed with too much to ‘do’ or you just can’t get on and complete things. The technique is taught in more detail in the Governing Vessel & Spine course, but here is a simple version you can try
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Shiatsu … why I nearly gave up!
I have been practicing and teaching shiatsu for over 20 years. But several years ago I made the decision to give up shiatsu and take a “regular” job. I ran the British School of Shiatsu-Do in Nottingham, training the next generation of shiatsu practitioners, alongside a private shiatsu practice for several years before stopping to have a family. But when I
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