Cranial Suture Spinal Alignment

26-27 July 2025   Nottingham

A gentle yet extremely effective way to adjust misaligned vertebrae and sacroiliac/sacrum through the cranial sutures (joints of the skull bones). No “cracking” involved!  The cranial sutures are connected to the vertebrae via proprioceptive circuits (part of the proprioceptive nervous system). By touching with sensitive, skilled contact we can facilitate a deep level of freedom, release and alignment of the vertebrae and also the underlying energetic patterns.

This is subtle and sensitive work and the approach requires a profoundly deep, respectful and spacious listening as well as an expanded perception. As a practitioner you will develop a greater sensitivity and skill to see, hear, feel energy. The receiver becomes more aware of their own journey towards alignment – in their body and life.

This is part of the Shiatsu ShinTai bodywork approach developed by Saul Goodman.The aim is to facilitate deep levels of health, freedom and consciousness through touch.  More about ShinTai here. Open to practitioners of ShinTai, experienced shiatsu and bodywork practitioners.

Kindy Kaur shiatsu shinTai teacher posing with model of spine for her Cranial Suture Spinal Alignment course
diagram labeling cranial bones

On this workshop we will explore

  • Proprioceptive practices to enhance sensitivity and awareness
  • How to prepare the receiver to optimise these adjustments
  • Assessment of vertebral misalignments
  • Cranial suture correlations with vertebrae
  • Cranial suture adjustment technique for the vertebrae and sacroiliac/sacrum
  • Self-treatment of cranial bones
  • Bone Ki activation

Video links for more information

Introduction to Cranial Sutures  (1min)

Demonstration of working with cranial sutures  (3 mins)

Proprioception -the deeper effects (5 mins)

On this workshop we will explore

  • Proprioceptive practices to enhance sensitivity and awareness
  • How to prepare the receiver to optimise these adjustments
  • Assessment of vertebral misalignments
  • Cranial suture correlations with vertebrae
  • Cranial suture adjustment technique for the vertebrae and sacroiliac/sacrum
  • Self-treatment of cranial bones
  • Bone Ki activation

Video links for more information

Introduction to Cranial Sutures  (1min)

Demonstration of working with cranial sutures  (3 mins)

Proprioception -the deeper effects (5 mins)

diagram labeling cranial bones

2 day workshop for shiatsu and bodywork practitioners

26-27 July   10am -5.30pm

Nottingham Buddhist Centre 9 St Mary’s Pl, Nottingham NG1 1PH

Exchange:  £225 before 23 May, £250 after. £100 deposit

Please ask for information on accommodation and travel.

Kindy Kaur – Shiatsu ShinTai Transformational Bodywork Therapist & Teacher

I work with conscious souls who dream of a better world. Supporting them to connect with the wisdom of their body, to align with their highest truth and to build the inner resources to follow their heart’s calling and make their difference in the world.

For over 40 years I have explored our healing potential, merging science, spirituality and the body, with 30 years practising and teaching Shiatsu, Eastern bodywork and ancient energy healing practices.


Lovely reflections from students

“For a person looking for answers, this work is a gift. It opens up a new and beautiful awareness of existence. Studying with Kindy has changed my life in many ways. Helped me to find my power, trust in myself and others and participate in my healing process in a non-judgmental way”